Integration and the planning cascade
Functional integration is holistic. It is a logical and operational integration of all aspects of health services -- public as well as private. Functional integration represents the ultimate utilization of public and private health resources. Just as the orchestra leverages the knowledge of the Great Masters, whose knowledge is available for all time, functional integration takes advantage of technology to make the knowledge of the great scientists and practitioners available to all health personnel according to their expertise and capacity, also educating the public as to expectations and requirements for desirable outcomes.
As to the consumer, the flow of activity should be seamless and comfortable. They should be directed as to where they should be and guided as to how they should prepare as to not waste their time, nor anyone else's time and resources. The objective of all medical and health efforts is and ought to be "optimum performance living", or "OPL" of the people -- given how they wish to live and the resources available to them to do so.
All of these things can be brought about by means of technology. Heretofore, technology has demonstrated great promise, but has fallen far short of that promise. CIMH Global is dedicated to helping all parties break through the barriers to defining and using knowledge by means of technology. This is to be done by means of simple, but powerful tools, and direct design of the systems in question by those most knowledgeable about what is to be done. This is the essence of fluidity, which can bring about dual control.
Time after time in cyclical succession, issues need to be considered and models need to be improved on based on learnings and outcomes. This is the planning cascade.